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I dont think its finished

Deleted 86 days ago
(1 edit)

It’s a concept , I couldn’t finish it and released a demo to show the power of godot , is a graphical test/map , i am sorry for confusion , however thanks for playing! I don’t wanna promote anything but if you want to play one of my games again I will maybe release next year one , you can watch the teaser trailer already

Im down for sure. The game looked good and ran smooth just didnt know the objective

Deleted 74 days ago

I think i should call it now Too Late for Christmas

Haha yes that would he a fitting name!

Just a heads up: If you want to play Patch 1 (the update), you’ll need to visit my page when it’s released. Unfortunately, only new games get picked up by the algorithm, and I’d love for more than just three people to see the result of my  work. Thanks!

Hey all, I scanned this game's files using VirusTotal and it appears to be safe as of 12/12/24

(1 edit)

thanks for checking , even tho I made it ;) 

No problem. No shade to you also: I wanted to do so to help you and others. Something that goes undiscussed is the amount of indie games on that don't just bring false positives, but actual trojans. Anyways, I'll be looking forward to trying your game and posting it on YouTube 👍🏾👍🏾

Deleted 81 days ago

Please use an open-source virus scanner next time, as I am concerned about the security of my code. I put a great deal of effort into my games, and I want to ensure that my work remains protected. I would appreciate it if you could be mindful of this when scanning any of my other games/ my game that’s comming soon

Sure I will for your following games. Do you want to connect on Discord as well?

Sure, that's funny! Just yesterday, I created a Discord channel. You and everyone else are welcome to join: